Getting started

Getting Started in the LUD Community:

1. Check out the rules for the community here! (Rules)

2. In the menu on the left of the page you will find 'Groups'. This is where the public chats are. 

3. You can edit your profile by selecting the '>' at the bottom left, then 'edit profile'. You can also turn on dark mode!

4. You can access Private Messages once you have become verifed. Ask a moderator or admin about it. Once you are verified, you will see the 'Messages' tab in the menu on the left.

5. You can friend people by viewing their profile, and then selecting 'Add Friend'.

6. You cannot edit a message once it has been sent, but you can delete your own messages.

7. You can report someone's post if it goes against our rules by clicking on the arrow next to the person's name, then 'report'. A moderator or admin will look into the issue.

How to Become Verified:

In order to access the other chat groups and to send private messages, you must be verified. Here are some ways you can do that:

1. Have a verified member vouch for you

2. Share your Instagram account, missionary organization page, or other social media account that could verify you

3. Hop on a short video call with a moderator or admin

If you want to become verified, talk to a moderator or admin about it and provide one of the above ways to verify yourself.